Spanish Netherlands, Brussels. Jeton (Rekenpenning) 1671, Carolus II 1665-1700, Bureau des Finances, Dugn.4291, vOrden1323, Copper 29 mm, weight 5,64 g., Condition VF, traces of corrosion
Spanish Netherlands / Belgium, Brussel. Cu Rekenpenningen / Jeton 1663, Filip IV, Dugn. 4192, vOrden 1295, Copper 33 mm, weight 6,34 g., Condituion UNC, small spot, beautiful brown patina
Australia. Token, 1 Penny no date (19th Cen.), Martin John (Grocer and Tea Dealer, 29 Rundle Street), Adelaide, Soutch Australia, A-349, R-343, Copper 34 mm, weight 16,03 g., Condition XF, nice brown patina