Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). 1 Franc 1909, DES BELGES, KM 56.1, Silver 23 mm, weight 5,0 g. .835, Condition UNC/BU, nice patina
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Spanish Netherlands, Flandres (Belgium). Cu Liard (1 Oord Koper) 1655, Brugge mint, Philips IV 1621-1665, Vanhoudt 653.BG, Copper 26 mm, weight 3,77 g., Condition VF+, nice brown patina, above-average specimen
Belgium. World War II medal, ''La fraternelle'' - Fraternity in tribute to Mrs. Peters 1956 (La fraternelle en hommage de reconnaissance a Madamme Peters 1956), gilt Bronze 30 mm, weight 11,0 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium / Netherlands. ''MUSIQUE" plaquette 1913, La Royale Legia award awarded to Harmonie Ste Cecile from Eijsden (concert band founded in 1880), signed on the edge BRONZE, Bronze 45 x 60 mm, weight 89,4 g., Condition XF, spots
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865), Antwerp. Medal 1840 commemorating the erection of a monument to Rubens by the Royal Society of Science, Literature and Art, by J. Hart, Bronze 45 mm, weight 46,0 g., Condition aUNC, beatiful patina
Belgium. 2 1/2 Euro 2015, Bicentennial of the Battle of Waterloo 1815 - 2015, KM# 347, LA# BEM-9.1, Royal Belgian Mint, Brussels, Belgium (983-2017), Brass 25,50 mm, weight 11,0 g., Condition BU
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze Medal 1844, commemorating the first anniversary of the Antwerp-Cologne railway line, signed J. Hart / Verachter, Tourneur 651, Guioth I, 16, Moyaux 71, Bronze 73 mm, weight 154,72 g., Condition UNC, beautiful brown patina with luster, impressive, magnificent medal in cabinet condition
Belgium, Albert I. 20 Francs 1934, BELGEN - position A, KM 104.1, Silver 28 mm, weight 11,0 g. .680, Condition NGC MS 64
Belgium, Albert I Koburg (1909 - 1934). Commemorative Medal for the War 1914-1918, (Médaille Commémorative de la Guerre 1914-1918 / Oorlogsherinnerinsmedaille 1914-1918), Literature: BORNA Barac Belgium 147, Bronze 47 x 31 mm, weight 23,50 g., Condition VF+, patina, ribbon
War medal established on July 21, 1919 by royal decree and awarded to all members of the Belgian Armed Forces who served during World War I and qualified for the Inter-Allied Victory Medal
Belgium. Pattern 5 Centimes 1856, 25-th Anniversary - Inauguration of King Leopold I, Dupriez 583, Bogaert 583C, Copper 28 mm, weight 9,88 g., Condition aUNC
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1847-1850 commemorating the opening of the Maison de Sureté pour Femmes in Brussels, by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 51,96 g., Condition XF, dark brown patina with luster, local discoloration.
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Gold Cross I Class, Civil Decoration ("Decoration Civique"), instituted 1867, for long years of administrative service, gilt Bronze, enamel 35 mm, weight 18,90 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Bronze medal 1878-1885 commemorating the opening of the prison in St. Gilles (Maison de Surete Cellulaire a St. Gilles), by Jacques Wiener, Hoy. unlisted, Bronze 61,00 mm, weight 90,39 g., Condition XF, brown patina with luster, rare
Belgium, Gent (Ghent). Commemorative Medal 1923, National Exhibition Trade and Industry, Bronze 68 mm, weight 108,80 g., Condition UNC, large and very impressive medal
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). 1 Franc 1909, DES BELGES, KM 56.1, Silver 23 mm, weight 5,0 g. .835, Condition UNC/BU, nice patina