Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 5 Francs 1932, BELGES, KM 97.1, Nickel 31 mm, weight 14,0 g., Condition aXF
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Conclusion of a peace treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands, by Jehotte, obverse: head of Leopold I to left, reverse: two countries shake hands, with railway, merchant ships and Brussels Cathedral in background. Ref: Guioth, -; Tourneur, -; Ch. Représentants 18, Bronze 50 mm, weight 53,1 g., Condition BU, beautiful lustred mint specimen
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaam Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 16,10 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgian Congo. Bronze medal for the 50th anniversary of the Banque du Congo Belge, 1909 - 1959, by P. deDgreef, Bronze 70 mm, weight 152,83 g., Condition XF, patina.
Southern Netherlands, Liege / Luik (Belgium). Sede Vacante, AE Liard 1852, St. Lambert, KM -, RBN (1853) pl. XI, Dengis A-13, Bronze 24 mm, weight 3,88 g., Condition aXF/XF, nice dark brown patina, rare
Belgium, Albert I. 20 Francs 1934, BELGES - position B, KM 103.1, Silver 28 mm, weight 11,0 g. .680, Condition NGC MS 64, patina on reverse
Belgium 2 Francs 1904, DES BELGES, KM 58.1, Silver 27 mm, weight 10,0 g. .835, Condition UNC, nic etoned
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Bronze medal 1878-1885 commemorating the opening of the prison in St. Gilles (Maison de Surete Cellulaire a St. Gilles), by Jacques Wiener, Hoy. unlisted, Bronze 61,00 mm, weight 90,39 g., Condition XF, brown patina with luster, rare
Belgium, Albert I Coburg (1909-1934). Fire Cross, (Croix de Feu/ Vuurkruis) 1914-1918, Literature: Borna Barac Belgia 161, by A. Rombaut Bronze 47 x 42 mm, weight 46,20 g., Condition XF+, ribbon
The cross was instituted on February 6, 1934, and was awarded to then living soldiers holding a “Fire Card” (Croix du Feu / Vuurkaart) who came under fire at the front, awarded to all who spent at least 32 months at the front during World War I.
Belgium. Set of three medals on the bar for World War II 1940 - 1945
- Cross of the Royal Federation of Veterans of King Leopold III, gilt Bronze, enamel, Condition aUNC, ribbon
- Cross of the Royal Federation of Veterans of King Albert I, 1909-1934, gilt Bronze, Condition aUNC, ribbon
- Commemorative medal of the 1940-1945 war, with swords on the ribbon denoting combat service in the 1940 campaign or service in the armed resistance, Bronze 38 mm, Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium. Cross of the National Federation of Combatants of Belgium 1914-1918 (Croix de la Fédération Nationale des Combattants Belgique), gilt Bronze with blue, red, black and green enamel 57 x 38 mm, weight 17,20 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium, Gent (Ghent). Commemorative Medal 1923, National Exhibition Trade and Industry, Bronze 68 mm, weight 108,80 g., Condition UNC, large and very impressive medal
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 5 Francs 1932, BELGES, KM 97.1, Nickel 31 mm, weight 14,0 g., Condition aXF