Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 5 Centimes 1851, KM 5.1, Copper 28 mm, weight 9,60 g., Condition Aunc,, nice patina with mint shine
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, West Flanders (Bruges). Medal 1924 commemorating the procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges, by Hondt, Bronze 47,00 mm, weight 34,34 g., Condition XF, nice brown patina with luster.
Belgium. Commemorative Combat Volunteers Medal 1914-1918 ((Médaille du Combattant Volontaire 1914–1918 / Medaille van de Vrijwillige Strijder 1914–1918), instituted 1930, medal awarded to Belgian and foreign volunteers who performed active combat service in units of the Belgian armed forces during World War I, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 157, Bronze 34 x 28 mm, weight 23,50 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium, Rupelmonde. Medal 1870 commemorating the construction of a monument to Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) Flemish cartographer by the Circle of Antiquities in Waas, by C. Wiener, tin? / white metal, thickly gilded 50 mm, weight 36,1 g., Condition XF, edge damage, traces of metal checking on the edge, glossy specimen
Belgium. Commemorative Medal for the Centenary of the Nation's Independence 1830-1930 (Médaille Commémorative du Centenaire de l'Indépendance Nationale 1830-1930 / Herinneringsmedaille van 100 Jaars de Onafhankelijkheid 1830-1930), instituted 1930, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 158, Silver plated Bronze 32 x 29 mm, weight 17,50 g., Condition VF, dark patina, ribbon
Belgian Congo. Bronze medal for the 50th anniversary of the Banque du Congo Belge, 1909 - 1959, by P. deDgreef, Bronze 70 mm, weight 152,83 g., Condition XF, patina.
Belgium, Brussels. 1968 medal dedicated to a professor of the University of Brussels, Jacques Verdeyen, by R. Cliquet, signed on the edge FISCH, Bronze 70 mm, weight 156,40 g., Condition UNC, beautiful patina
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze Medal 1844, commemorating the first anniversary of the Antwerp-Cologne railway line, signed J. Hart / Verachter, Tourneur 651, Guioth I, 16, Moyaux 71, Bronze 73 mm, weight 154,72 g., Condition UNC, beautiful brown patina with luster, impressive, magnificent medal in cabinet condition
Spanish Netherlands (Belgien). 1/10 Filipsdaalder (1/10 Ecu) 1572, Antwerp, Filips II (1555-1598), Vanhoudt 308-AN, Silver 25 mm, weight 3,27 g., Condition aXF/VF+, grey patina, nice shiny surface
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Bronze medal 1874-1876 commemorating the opening of the prison in Namur (Maison de Surete Cellulaire a Namur), by G. Jehotte, Bronze 61,00 mm, weight 83,32 g., Condition XF/XF+, nice brown patina with luster.
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Conclusion of a peace treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands, by Jehotte, obverse: head of Leopold I to left, reverse: two countries shake hands, with railway, merchant ships and Brussels Cathedral in background. Ref: Guioth, -; Tourneur, -; Ch. Représentants 18, Bronze 50 mm, weight 53,1 g., Condition BU, beautiful lustred mint specimen
Belgium. WW I Yser Medal 1914, (Médaille de l'Yser / Medaille van de IJzer), Belgian military medal awarded for participation in World War I, instituted on October 18, 1918 for participation in the Battle of the IJzer (Yser) River from October 16-31, 1914, in which the Belgian army stopped the German invasion, by Emile Vloors, Bronze, enamel 48 x 36 mm, weight 30,30 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Gold Medal First Class, civilian decoration for long administrative service, instituted 1867, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 96, gilt Bronze 33 mm, weight 18,30 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Order of the Crown (Ordre de la Couronne / Kroonorde), national order of the Kingdom of Belgium established on October 15, 1897, it is one of the highest awards in Belgium, Silver plated Bronze / Silver / Silver gilt? (remnants of gilding), enamel 62 x 43 mm, weight 33,30 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Medal 1841, Founding of the Royal Academy of Medicine / l'Académie Royale de Médecine, by Jouvenel, Tourneur 549, Bronze 56 mm, weight 74,7 g., Condition aUNC, nice dark shiny patina
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 5 Centimes 1851, KM 5.1, Copper 28 mm, weight 9,60 g., Condition Aunc,, nice patina with mint shine