Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 17,40 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", I Class, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, gilt Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 21,60 g., Condition UNC, ribbon, original box
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Order of the Crown of Labor and Progress (Ordre de la Couronne Travail et Progrès), institued 1897, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 212, gilt Bronze 31 mm, weight 16,40 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
France. Silver medal of honour for departments and communes (Médaille d'Honneur Départementale et Communale d'argent), signed ‘G. CROUZAT’, Silvered Bronze 50 x 30 mm, weight 22,20 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon, original box
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Silver Medal of the Order of Leopold II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 231, Silver plated Bronze 40 mm, weight 30,20 g., Condition XF+, ribbon, patina
Great Britain, George VI (1936-1952). Special Constabulary LS GVI Medal, “For faithful service in the Special Constabulary”, Bronze 50 mm (without the handle 32 mm), weight 27,70 g., Condition aUNC
This medal was available to all members of the Special Constabulary. The qualifying period was 9 years of unpaid service with more than 50 duties per year. Wartime service counted as triple, so 3 years of service with more than 50 duties per year were eligible for the medal.
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Silver Medal of the Order of Leopold II, L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 231, silver plated Bronze 35 mm, weight 24,60 g., Condition XF+, ribbon, nice patina, early emission
Germany, RAD - Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service) badge, 1939, maker's signature on the back, white metal and enamel, oval shape 22 x 16,5 mm, pin length 50 mm., in good condition.
Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)- Reich Labor Service, from 1933-1945 a mass organization for the civic and military adaptation of youth in the Third Reich, which performed auxiliary functions to the Wehrmacht during World War II. The RAD shaped young people's attitudes toward the state by working for the Third Reich.
Belgium, Albert I Koburg (1909-1934). Jeton for World War I 1914-1918, Brass 24 mm, weight 4,10 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Reunion. Medal of the city of Saint Denis, signed label Orago Paris, Bronze, enamel 34 mm, weight 16,20 g., Condition XF
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Order of Leopold II (Ordre de Leopold II), instituted 1908, "Union Fait La Force", Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 228, (Silver?) 40 mm, weight 23,80 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Bulgaria, Boris III (1918-1943). Gold commemorative medal 1915-1918 for World War I, Literature: Barac 103-105, gilt metal 32 mm, weight 16,50 g., Condition aUNC
Great Britain, George VI (1936-1952). The Defence Medal 1939-1945, Cu-Ni 36 mm, weight 28,0 g., Condition VF+/aXF, missing mount and handle.
The Defence Medal is a campaign medal that was instituted by the United Kingdom in May 1945 and awarded to subjects of the British Commonwealth for both non-operational military and certain types of civilian service during the Second World War (source: identifymedals.com)
Belgium, Albert I Coburg (1909-1934). Fire Cross, (Croix de Feu/ Vuurkruis) 1914-1918, Literature: Borna Barac Belgia 161, by A. Rombaut Bronze 47 x 42 mm, weight 46,20 g., Condition XF+, ribbon
The cross was instituted on February 6, 1934, and was awarded to then living soldiers holding a “Fire Card” (Croix du Feu / Vuurkaart) who came under fire at the front, awarded to all who spent at least 32 months at the front during World War I.
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Badge 1902 for industrial achievement "Mutualite Onderlinge Bustand", I Class, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 71, gilt Silver, enamel 50 x 33 mm, weight 14,70 g., Condition XF, ribbon, original cardboard box
Greece, Armed Forces Medal of World War II 1940-41, established 1946, Bronze 32 mm, weight 21,10 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Germany, German Empire. Cross of Honor for World War I 1914-1918 for frontline combatants, bronzed iron 37 mm, weight 14,30 g., Condition aUNC
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 17,40 g., Condition UNC, ribbon