(There are 16 other products in the same category)
France Franc 1888 A, KM 822.1, Silver 23 mm, weight 5,0 g. .835, Condition NGC MS 65
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the conquest of Illyria, 1809, by Bertrand Andrieu and Alexis J. Depaulis, Bramsen 879, Bronze 40 mm, weight 42,80 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful lustrous brown patina, small edge nick
A beautiful commemorative medal from the Napoleonic wars, a real gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French.
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the celebration of the Galerie d'Apollon at the Musée Napoléon (Louvre), 1804, by Andrieu, Denon, Bramsen 370, Julius 1319, Essling 1046 , Zeitz 31, Bronze 34 mm, weight 20,10 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with luster, locally dark tarnish. A medal that is sure to catch the attention of any collector of Napoleonic medals.
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the transfer of the body of Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne from Saint Denis Cathedral to the Invalides, 22 September 1800, Auguste, Bramsen 71, Julius 848, Essling 858, Bronze 50 mm, weight 64,40 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster, small edge damage
France 25 Centimes 1915, KM 867, Nickel 24 mm, Condition aUNC
France, Napoleon III 1852-1870. medal commemorating the gift of a cradle to the emperor's son by the city of Paris, 1856, Bronze 77 mm, weight 211,72 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful bronze patina with luster. A magnificent, very artistic and impressive medal.
Obv: In a field dotted with bees, the imperial cradle on a pedestal with the coat of arms of Paris, inscription in circle: LA VILLE DE PARIS OFFRE A L'EMPEREVR ET A L'IMPERATRICE LE BERCEAV DV PRINCE IMPERIAL
Rev: Imperial eagle supports a newborn sleeping on a pillow, watched over by the crowning Prosperity and Abundance; signatures J. CAVELIER SCULPTEUR - VAUTHIER GALLE GRAVEUR, inscription in circle: PACATVMQVE REGET PATRIIS VIRTVTIBVS ORBEM
France - Provincial. Lorraine (Duché), Leopold I 1690-1729. AR Teston 1710, KM 95, silver 30 mm, weight 8,30 g. Condition NGC MS 61, A beautiful coin in uncirculated condition, overstruck on an earlier issue
France, Third Republic 1871-1940. 5 Francs 1876 A, Paris, Hercules, KM 820.1, Silver 37 mm, weight 25,0 g. .900, Condition aUNC, beautiful patina, shiny mint specimen
France, Dombes. Anne Marie Louise de Bourbon, 1650-1693. Luigino - 1/12 Ecu 1665, Cammarano 45, KM 40, silver 21 mm, weight 2,25 g., condition aXF/XF+, nice shiny specimen
France 20 Centimes 1941, VICHY, KM 899, Zinc 24 mm, Condition UNC, patuna
France, Republic. Set of medals 4 pieces, various metals
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the start of the construction of the Arc de Triomphe, 1806, by Andrieu and Brenet, Bramsen 557, Bronze 40 mm, weight 38,60 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with luster. A real gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French.
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the annexation of Simplon, 1807, Andrieu, Bramsen 688, Bronze 40 mm, weight 38,32 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster.
"By a decree of the 12th November, Napoleon united to the French Empire, the territory of the Valais, under the name of the department of Simplon, a name derived from one of the mountains of the Alps, situate on the side of Great St. Bernard, Mont Blanc is on the other: these three great mountain masses are all recorded by the medals of Napoleon.- (See Nos. 12 and 34.) The pretexts for this annexation were, that the Simplon, connecting France and Italy, had cost both treasuries eighteen millions of livres; that the Valais had not adhered to its engagements; and that it was necessary to put an end to the struggles for power among the population." Laskey p. 153-154 (source:...
France 10 Centimes 1939, KM 889.1, Ni-Br 21,3 mm, Condition UNC