L'Africain Mouzalababaloued is a song by a certain Alphonsine, published by the widow Roger in Paris in 1868. The token appears to be an advertising token for an Algerian company.
France, Paris. Promotional jeton “Au Grande Paris Ostende 14”, AU GRAND PARIS ON VEND PLUS BEAU & MOINS CHER OSTENDE 14 RUE DE LA CHAPELLE, by F. Cartaux, plastic 21 mm, weight 1,50 g., Condition VF+
France, Burgundy, Louis Delphinus (future Louis XV). Token 1713, War of the Spanish Succession 1700-1714/15, Neumann I, 3484, Feuard. 9831, Copper 30 mm, weight 8,40 g., Condition VF, edge nicks
Germany. Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840. Jetton / Token “Für die gerechte Sache” (For the Righteous Cause), by Iohann Jakob Lauer, Brass 24 mm, weight 2,60 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful lustrous patina