France, Louis XIV le Roi Soleil (The Sun King), 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos, commemorating the meeting of Kings Louis XIV and Philip IV on the Isle of Pheasants at June 7 1660. The monarchs then signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees ending the Thirty Years' War, during this meeting, the marriage of Louis XIV to Philip IV's daughter , Marie-Thérèse of Austria, was also recorded, by J. Mauger, Bronze 40 mm, weight 39,10 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina with luster.
Pheasant Island, mainly known as Île des Faisans (French name) and Isla de los Faisanes (Spanish name), is located on the natural Spanish-French border of the Bidasoa River and covers an area of less than a hectare. Moreover, due to erosion, the aforementioned value is decreasing all the time, and there is a chance that the island will simply disappear before long. The territory in question hosted King Louis XIV of France and King Philip IV of Spain in 1660. The monarchs then signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees, ending the Thirty Years' War. Since then, the island has become a condominium, an area governed by two or more countries. Almost always in such cases, the countries rule the territory jointly, but Pheasant Island is the only exception in the world where power is exercised alternately. The change occurs every six months. Once the island is under the mayor of Spanish Irun, and then it falls into the hands of the mayor of French Hendaye. It is also worth mentioning that Pheasant Island is uninhabited, and therefore there are no problems of citizens' affiliation. What's more, you can't even visit it, as there is a ban on entry. Finally, it can be added that there are not even pheasants on Pheasant Island. Source: geekweek.interia.pl/lifestyle/news-ciekawostka-na-mapie-europy