Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1850 from the civil and military prison in Liège (Maison de surete civile et militaire a Liege), by J. Wiener, first issue from the extensive series of Wiener, Jéhotte and Dubois medals of the early 20th century, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 53,24 g., Condition aXF, brown patina.
Prison de Lantin is a prison in Liège. Lantin Prison was built on the American and German model. It is the largest prison in the country and is therefore divided into separate units: a detention center, a sentencing center, a women's section, a psychiatric section and a polyclinic. The prison also has a section for carrying out special individual security measures. The Lantin prison, designed based on American and German models, replaced the former Saint-Léonard prison in Liège. source: justice.belgium.be