Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1853-1856 from the Courtrai prison (Maison d'Arret a Courtrai), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 55,83 g., Condition XF/XF+, stain on obverse, dark brown patina with luster.
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Germany. Medal 1930 to commemorate the birthday party of Mrs. Berta Greiner, inscription on the reverse: The eternal law of beauty shines forth from the creative spirit of the past, signed on the edge: C. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN, Silver plated Bronze 38 mm, weight 23,80 g., Condition aUNC
Germany, Württemberg. Silver military medal (Für Tapferkeit und Treue / For bravery and loyalty), Wilhelm II 1891-1918, Ebner 43, Silver 28,5 mm, weight 12,15 g., Condition aUNC, perfectly preserved specimen with mirror on full surface
Belgium. Medal 1976, Baudouin, Roi des Belges, Silver 38 mm, weight 20,0 g. .925, Condition Proof, minor surface scratches
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating Battle of Friedland (East Prussia, now Pravdinsk, Kaliningrad region), 1807, by Bertrand Andrieu and Andre Galle, Bramsen 632, Bronze 40 mm, weight 35,76 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful lustrous brown patina.
A beautiful commemorative medal from the Napoleonic Wars immortalizing Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's decisive victory over Russian General Levin Benningsen. , a true gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French.
France. Coronation Medal of Louis XIV (1643 -1715), King of France and Navarre, signed CAQUE.F, Bronze 34 mm, weight 17,20 g., Condition aUNC
Germany 20 1922, Solbad Schwäbisch Hall Schlos Comburg, Scheuch 574.a, Black Porcelain 41 mm, weight 11,49 g., Condition XF
USA. Silver collectors medal, 5 Oz (5 Troy Ounces) Pure Silver, 155,5 g. .999, LIBERTY / Indian Head 1929, weight 155,5 g. .999, diam. 63 mm, Condition UNC, beautiful patina
France. Medal 1849 commemorating the first anniversary of the Republic and dedicated to the Victims who died for freedom, Brass 22 mm, weight 5,60 g., Condition aUNC, patina, removed ear
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the alliance with Saxony, 1806, by Andrieu for Denon, Bramsen 551, Bronze 40 mm, weight 34,88 g., Condition XF, nice brown patina.
A beautiful commemorative medal and a true gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the French Emperor.
France. Silver jeton / token of the Conseil de la Clémentine Amitié, Masonic medal for outstanding achievement and merit, 1834, Labouret 166 var, Silver 26 mm, weight 7,04 g., Condition aUNC, single minor scratches and edge nicks, beautiful patina, mint glossy piece.
Africa. Egypt Missionary Society, Copper Medal 1856, Obv: the Flight into Egypt, Rev Angel, in starred quadrilobe, holds shield inscribed MITTAM EX EIS IN AFRICAM
Cooper 40 mm, weight 32,10 g., Condition XF+, nice patina
France. Medal 1842 commemorating the death of Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orleans, Brass 22 mm, weight 3,40 g., Condition XF
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the re-establishment of the Legion d'Honneur, 1804, Denon, Bramsen 310, Bronze 40 mm, weight 34,47 g., Condition UNC, beautiful brown patina with mint mirror background, mint state specimen
Germany, Weimar Republic. Inflation medal 1923, by Eitz, Bronze 32 mm, weight 10,03 g., Condition aXF, patina
Obverse: in the foreground is a man comforting a crying woman (right) and holding a child (left)
In the background is a wall of blackberries
Reverse: below the legend is a boat sailing on water
France. Medal 1931, International Colonial Exhibition, Paris, Oceania, by Mouroux, Bronze 31 mm, weight 20,60 g., Condition aUNC
The Paris Colonial Exhibition (or "Exposition coloniale internationale", International Colonial Exhibition) was a six-month colonial exhibition held in Paris, France, in 1931 that attempted to display the diverse cultures and immense resources of France's colonial possessions.
source: wikipedia.org
France. Set of two medals la Fête Nationale (14.07.1789):
- Medal Souvenir 1880 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 24 mm, weight 4,30 g., Condition VF+
- Medal Souvenir 1882 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 23 mm, weight 3,67 g., Condition XF
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1853-1856 from the Courtrai prison (Maison d'Arret a Courtrai), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 55,83 g., Condition XF/XF+, stain on obverse, dark brown patina with luster.