Poland, People's Republic of Poland (1952-1989), Poznan, Medal 1979, Kazik 1919-1943, Janek Krasicki Elementary School No. 79 (now named after Arkady Fiedler), cast Bronze 70 mm, weight 189,91 g., Condition UNC/aUNC.
Jan Krasicki, also Janek Krasicki, alias Kazik, Janek (born September 18, 1919 in Sowliny, died September 2, 1943 in Warsaw) - Polish activist of the youth communist movement, member of the Second Initiative Group of the Polish Workers' Party and the People's Guard, organizer and chairman of the Union of Youth Fight, murdered by the Germans.
During the communist period, his activities in support of the USSR and his activity in promoting the cult of Stalin were not excessively exposed, being completely silent about the fact that he was a Soviet agitator during the bloody repression and deportation of the Polish population from the eastern lands in 1939-1941. As a rule, his involvement in the murder of Boleslaw Molojec was also kept silent, as it was considered an inconvenient topic. A legend was created around his character (e.g., Halina Rudnicka wrote in 1955 Wspomnienie o Janku Krasickim), he became a symbol of patriotism and selfless struggle of the young generation for socialism.
source: wikipedia.org