
There are 33 products.

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WYDANIE I (ISBN 978-83-87355-01-2)

Książka uzupełniająca opracowanie monet PRL, nawiązuje do wydania Katalogu monet próbnych z 2018r. Obejmuje wszystkie monety obiegowe, pamiątkowe i kolekcjonerskie pokazane w naturalnych wielkościach i powiększeniach. W dużych, czytelnych powiększeniach prezentuje znaki mennicy, monogramy projektantów, i nieznane, bądź dotychczas nieopisane szczegóły. Wyjaśnia wiele budzących kontrowersje zagadnień, jak chociażby “słoneczka” i “trawki” na pięciozłotówkach z rybakiem. Zawiera pierwsze opracowanie monet obiegowych wybitych przez Mennicę Warszawską stemplem lustrzanym, pokazuje różnice w stemplach. Nowatorski jest również rozdział poświęcony destruktom monet obiegowych. Zebrano w nim i pokazano na czytelnych...

J. Parchimowicz. Polish Coins and Banknotes 1995-2021 (after denomination)

J. Parchimowicz. Polish Coins and Banknotes 1995-2021 (after denomination)


Janusza Parchimowicz. Polish Coins and Banknotes 1995-2021 (after denomination) - wydane z okazji XVI Międzynarodowego Kongresu Numizmatycznego.
Opracowanie w języku angielskim, katalog obejmuje wszystkie polskie monety i banknoty obiegowe i kolekcjonerskie wyemitowane po denominacji w latach 1995-2021.
Format książki 210 x 297 mm (A4), ponad 200 stron, twarda oprawa.

Monety Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej 1919-1939, Nefryt 2021

Monety Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej 1919-1939, Nefryt 2021


Janusz Parchimowicz, Katalog monet Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej 1919 - 1939, Szczecin 2021
Wydanie drugie, rozszerzone i uzupełnione, Wymiary: 205 x 265 mm, 379 stron, twarda oprawa, kredowy papier, około 2000 fotografii monet w naturalnej wielkości i powiększeniach, dodatkowo około 1000 zdjęć szczegółów, różnic i detali poszczególnych odmian.

J. Parchimowicz, Katalog monet byłego ZSRR / Rosji i państw byłego Związku Radzieckiego z lat 2014-2015

J. Parchimowicz, Katalog monet byłego ZSRR / Rosji i państw byłego Związku Radzieckiego z lat 2014-2015


Autor: Janusz Parchimowicz, Katalog monet Rosji 1894-1917 i państw byłego ZSRR / Rosji i państw byłego Związku Radzieckiego z lat 2014-2015, Szczecin 2016.
Wymiary 170 mm x 240 mm, oprawa miękka, stron 197. Katalog zawiera zdjęcia monet wraz z opisami i wyceną. Katalog ten jest kontynuacją i zawiera tylko monety z lat 2014 i 2015. Jako dodatek na końcu książki autor zamieścił katalog monet Mikołaja II 1894-1917.

Katalog monet litewskich - tom II

Catalog of Lithuanian coins - volume II, Kaunas 2006, Sajauskas / Kaubrys


Catalog of Lithuanian coins - volume II, Kaunas 2006, Stasys Sajauskas /  Domininkas Kaubrys
205 x 275, pages 247, chalk paper, hard cover.
Over 2,600 new variants and variations of Lithuanian coins from the Middle Ages to August II Mocne are described.
It is a continuation and complementation of the first volume in an incomparably better editing form.

J. Kurpiewski. Katalog Monet Polskich 1576-1586 (Stefan Batory). 1994

Kod: 4421011R

J. Kurpiewski. Katalog Monet Polskich 1576-1586 (Stefan Batory). Polskie Towarzystwo Numizmatyczne Zarząd Główny / Polish Coins Catalog 1576 - 1586 (Stefan Batory). Polish Numismatic Association Main Board. 1994

One of the basis catalogs of Stefan Batory's coins. This publication describes 483 types and wariants of coins. Size: 23,5 cm X 16,5 cm. Soft cover. New. Polish language. 142 pages

Catalogue des monnaies Russes, Petrov / Catalog of Russian Coins. V. I. Petrov. 1964

Catalogue des monnaies Russes, Petrov / Catalog of Russian Coins. V. I. Petrov. 1964

Kod: 4421034R

Catalogue des monnaies Russes, Petrov. Catalog of Russian Coins of all princes, tsars and emperors from 980 to 1899.

Classified according to their rarity and price. 2nd edition considerably enlarged and containing more than 1000 reproductions. Antique Coins Magazine. V. I. Petrov in Moscow. 1899 .Reprint 1964. High-quality photocopy. Hardcover. Like new. 31.5 cm X 21.5 cm. 47 pages. 46 plates. Russian and French language.

Unusual World Coins Catalogue, Krause Publications, 2nd edition

Kod: 4419117R

Unusual World Coins Catalogue, Krause Publications

This second edition of Unusual World Coins Catalogue is a collection of pieces that are often rare to be found in standard specifications. This book is a unique selection of valuable tips concerning coins beyond the usual illustration, metal and estimate data.

Format almost A4, paperback, used, very good condition, 224 pages

R. Delzanno. Sveriges Myntbok. Coins from Sweden 995-2022.

Kod: 4421014R

R. Delzanno. Sveriges Myntbok. Coins from Sweden 995-2022.

The first illustrated catalogue of its kind to cover the entire Swedish coinage, as well as a selection of medals. For those who are interested in Sweden, its history both politically, culturally and artistically, the coins and medals offer by far the best 'time machine' through which we get a fascinating insight into the conditions of the past.

Size: 30 cm X 21 cm. Hardcover. New. Two volumes. Volume I 680 pages. Volume II 1326 pages. Languages: Swedish, German, English.

E. Kruggel & G. Gerbasevskis. Die Munzen des Herzogtums Kurland. 2000

E. Kruggel & G. Gerbasevskis. Die Munzen des Herzogtums Kurland. 2000

Kod: 4421030R

E. Kruggel & G. Gerbasevskis. Die Munzen des Herzogtums Kurland. 2000. Coins of the Duchy of Courland.

The best study of the coins of the Duchy of Courland. Professional, very detailed catalog of types and varieties of all coins minted from 1578 to 1780.
Riga 2000 dimensions: 177x248 mm, pages: 222, hardcover, German language, new.

Norges Mynter. The Coinage of Norway. 1976. B. Ahlstrom, B. F. Brekke, B. Hemmingsson

Norges Mynter. The Coinage of Norway. 1976. B. Ahlstrom, B. F. Brekke, B. Hemmingsson

Kod: 4421029R

By B. Ahlstrom, B. F. Brekke, B. Hemmingsson Catalog of Norwegian coins, Stockholm 1976

In 1969 ,Norges mynter 1483-1969' was published and the present work is a continuation of this book. All prices have been updated, and this time we illustrate all types. In this edition the medieval coinage has been included, so that the book now includes all coinage on Norwegian soil. We have in this section tried to combine the available knowledge about this complicated period in the Norwegian coinage. We do not claim that this is the last word, nor do we think that we have solved all the mysteries, but we have made a serious attempt to review Norway's entire coinage in one book.
Dimensions: 215x308, pages 165, hardcover, Norwegian and English language. A rare and sought-after catalog. Basic item on Norwegian coins

Krause Chester L., Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins 1988, includes platinum and palladium coins

Krause Chester L., Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins 1988, includes platinum and palladium coins

Kod: 4811062R

Krause Chester L., Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins 1988, includes platinum and palladium coins, second edition, detailed list of dates and mints, 1601 to present, illustrated by type, edited by Colin R. Bruce II, softcover, A4 format, 704 pages, good condition, signs of use

"We believe will win acclaim as the complete one volume precious metals coinage library" (Introduction)

Krause Chester L., Mishler Clifford, Standard Catalog of World Coins Deluxe ANA Centennial Edition, 1991

Krause Chester L., Mishler Clifford, Standard Catalog of World Coins Deluxe ANA Centennial Edition, 1991

Kod: 4811069R

Krause Chester L., Mishler Clifford, Standard Catalog of World Coins Deluxe ANA Centennial Edition (Standard Catalog of World Coins Deluxe Edition) 1991, 100th Anniversary of the American Numismatic Association, edited by Colin R. Bruce II, hardcover with extra case, A4 format, volume one 1504 pages, volume two 1503 pages, good condition, signs of use, wavy pages, especially the initial ones

The catalog presents, among other things, proof coins of the countries of the world. Noteworthy is representation of practically all known Polish pattern coins, among others, pattern coins minted from the times of August III, Stanislaw Augustus, the Second Republic, interwar Amrogowicz patterns, as well as from the times of the People's Republic of Poland and contemporary ones, with presentation of their images and mintage

Filipek Bogumił, Otremba Zbigniew, Medals of Gdynia, second expanded edition

Filipek Bogumił, Otremba Zbigniew, Medals of Gdynia, second expanded edition

Kod: 4811087R

Filipek Bogumił, Otremba Zbigniew, Medals of Gdynia, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Gdyni, second expanded edition, over 1300 medals and occasional plaquettes presented in the form of images and short descriptions, including their creators, methods of manufacture, materials used and the circumstances of their creation, hardcover, format: 24,5 x 17,5 cm, 615 pages, very good condition, the book is new