Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 10 Centimes 1864, DES BELGES, KM 22, Cu-Ni 21,4 mm, weight 4,5 g., Condition XF, patina
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium. Victory Medal World War I (Victory Medal 1919), by Paul Dubuis, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 145, Bronze 36 mm, weight 24,60 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium - Flanders, Sint-Niklaas. 19th century medal, Royal Agricultural and Botanical Society of the Waas Country, Silver-plated Bronze 45 mm, weight 46,20 g., Condition XF, patina
Archbishopric Cambrai. Southern Netherlands (Belgium/France). AR 5 Patard ND (ca. 1559 AD), Maximilian de Berghes 1556-1570, Delmonte 409 RR, Silver 34 mm, weight 6,83 g., Condition Fine/aVF, slightly cleaned, grey patina
Belgium, Gent (Ghent). Commemorative Medal 1923, National Exhibition Trade and Industry, Bronze 68 mm, weight 108,80 g., Condition UNC, large and very impressive medal
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). 10 Centimes 1902, BELGIE, KM 49, Cu-Ni 22 mm, weight 4,0 g., Condition UNC, nice toned
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Order of the Crown (Ordre de la Couronne / Kroonorde) - Gold Palm, the national order of the Kingdom of Belgium established on October 15, 1897, it is one of the highest awards in Belgium, gilt metal 46 x 28 mm, weight 13,00 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - German occupation. 50 Centimes 1915, KM Tn1, Brass Plated Iron 16 mm, weight 2,27 g., Condition VF+
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Commemorative 5 Centimes 1856, 25th Anniversary of the King's Inauguration, KM X# 4, Morin M/7, Dupriez 583, Bogaert 583C, Copper 28 mm, weight 9,95 g., Condition VF+, nice brown patina
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 2 Centimes 1862, KM 4.2, Copper 22 mm, weight 4 g., Condition VF, damaged edge
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). 5 Centimes 1904, BELGIE, KM 55, Cu-Ni 19 mm, weight 2,5 g., Condition UNC
Belgium, Antwerp, Albert I (1909-1934). Bronze Octagonal Medal 1930, Antwerp International Exhibition, by Josuë Dupon, Bronze 78 mm, weight 166,6 g., Condition aUNC, nice patina
Obverse: God of the River Scheldt seated left, rudder in hand and a small Congolese child standing, wearing a lapband and playing a traditional instrument, in front of the river where a boat is passing, an airplane crossing the sky; (date 1930) and signed JOSUË DUPON
Reverse: WERELDTENTOONSTELLING VAN ANTWERPEN // EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE D'ANVERS. In medallion, nude woman on horseback in amazon, left, in front of Antwerp harbor. Below, signature JOSUE DUPON and inscription in Dutch and French in three lines: COLONIËN - COLONIES/ SCHEEPVAART - NAVIGATION/ VLAAMsche KUNST- ART FLAMAND
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1855-1857 from Hasselt prison (Maison d'Arret a Hasselt), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 47,93 g., Condition aUNC, dark brown patina with luster.
Spanish Netherlands, Flandres (Belgium). Cu Liard (1 Oord Koper) 1692, Brugge mint, Carol II 1665-1700, Vanhoudt 722.BG, Copper 24 mm, weight 4,45 g., Condition aXF, nice brown patina with shine, an exceptionally nice, above-average specimen
Belgium, Leopold III (1934-1951), Lokeren. Medal 1934 on the occasion of the Annual Fair, by J. Witterwulche, Silver plated Bronze 50 mm, weight 57,5 g., Condition aVF, cleaned, minor scratches
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1849-1851 from the prison in Dinant (Maison d'Arret a Dinant), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 53,17 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster.
Belgium, Sint Niklaas. Medal 1961, 100th anniversary of the Royal Archaeological Circle of the Land of Waas, Dr. Jan Hubert Van Raemdonck (1817 - 1899), by Robert Van De Velde (1895-1978), signed on the edge FISCH, Bronze 50 mm, weight 50,5 g., Condition aUNC
Dr. Jan Hubert Van Raemdonck, who was born in Sint-Niklaas on July 12, 1817 and died on June 12, 1899, was a co-founder of the Royal Archaeological Circle of Waas Country in 1861. He was the first curator of the city museum and founder of the Mercator Collection. He was also a physician.
source: skrimarket.com
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 10 Centimes 1864, DES BELGES, KM 22, Cu-Ni 21,4 mm, weight 4,5 g., Condition XF, patina