Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1849-1851 from the prison in Dinant (Maison d'Arret a Dinant), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 53,17 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster.
With 32 inmates, Dinant is the smallest prison in Wallonia. It is a detention center, but like all other detention centers, it also houses some convicts. It is built according to the Bentham model, and the system in place is a closed system. It is the first prison of the so-called cell system built in Belgium, and the only one based on Bentham's model. Work began in 1849 under the supervision of contractor Gaudinne and was inaugurated on July 1, 1853. The initial total area of 31.50 hectares was reduced to 27.40 hectares in the early 20th century, after a right of way was obtained on the Meuse side to create a boulevard. About two-thirds of the property is built up, with the remaining third comprising two side courtyards accessible via a carriage entrance and a vegetable garden surrounding a cellar. The facade on the north side shows a two-story main building with a crenellated gable flanked by octagonal towers with pointed spires. Turrets stand out at the corners of the crenellated walls. The two-winged wooden entrance doors open to the central axis of the building. They are flanked by a massive stone column on either side and topped by a stone inscription engraved with the words "maison d'arrêt" ("prison"). Source: justice.belgium.be