Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 2 Centimes 1836, KM 4.2, Copper 22 mm, weight 4 g., Condition XF+, nice patina with shine
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 17,40 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Archbishopric Cambrai. Southern Netherlands (Belgium/France). AR 5 Patard ND (ca. 1559 AD), Maximilian de Berghes 1556-1570, Delmonte 409 RR, Silver 34 mm, weight 6,83 g., Condition Fine/aVF, slightly cleaned, grey patina
Belgium. Labor Valorem Medal 1914 - 1918 & 1940 -1945, National Federation of Former Prisoners of War, Bronze 37 mm, weight 30,10 g., Condition UNC
Celts, Northern Gaul. Ambiani. Gold stater circa 60-30 BC. Issue from the Gaulish War period, De la Tour 8710, D/T 240, Gold 16 mm, weight 5,91 g., Condition XF+, a massive, well struck, sharp relief details, shiny mint specimen, rare in this state of preservation
Large, dismembered horse to right; above, granules and ornament; below, crescent over granule between S • S, radiate disc to right / Smooth convex surface
Belgium, Albert I Coburg (1909-1934). Fire Cross, (Croix de Feu/ Vuurkruis) 1914-1918, Literature: Borna Barac Belgia 161, by A. Rombaut Bronze 47 x 42 mm, weight 46,20 g., Condition XF+, ribbon
The cross was instituted on February 6, 1934, and was awarded to then living soldiers holding a “Fire Card” (Croix du Feu / Vuurkaart) who came under fire at the front, awarded to all who spent at least 32 months at the front during World War I.
Belgium. War Commemorative Medal 1940-1945 (Médaille Commémorative de la Guerre 1940-1945 / De Herinneringsmedaille van de Oorlog 1940-1945), with swords on the ribbon denoting combat service in the 1940 campaign or service in the armed resistance, Bronze 38mm, weight 26,50g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium, Sint Niklaas. Medal 1953 on the occasion of the summer cavalcade and flower parade, Bronze 60 mm, weight 71,7 g., Condition aUNC, nice patina
Belgium, Kingdom. Leopold I 1830-1865. Posthumous medal of Peter Joseph Trieste, 1836, bronze 40 mm, weight 32,57 g., Condition XF.
Peter Joseph Triest (31 August 1760 – 24 June 1836) was a prelate of the Diocese of Ghent. He is known for his foundations of religious communities in this diocese, and has been called "the St. Vincent de Paul of Belgium". źródło: wikipedia.org
Belgium - Flanders, Sint-Niklaas. 19th century medal, Royal Agricultural and Botanical Society of the Waas Country, Silver-plated Bronze 45 mm, weight 46,20 g., Condition XF, patina
Belgium. Medal 1938, College Saint Servais Liege, by Louis Dudont, Bronze 60 mm, weight 105,6 g., Condition XF, patina
Belgium. Liege (Luik / Lüttich), Bishopric / Duchy. Maximilian Henry of Bavaria 1650-1688. Patagon (Thaler) 1674, Liege, Delm. 471. Dav. 4294, Silver 40,5 mm, weight 27,81 g., Condition aUNC, minor surface scratches, beautiful patina, glossy background, mint state specimen, very rare in this state of preservation
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 2 Centimes 1836, KM 4.2, Copper 22 mm, weight 4 g., Condition XF+, nice patina with shine