Belgium, Kingdom. Leopold I 1830-1865. Posthumous medal of Peter Joseph Trieste, 1836, bronze 40 mm, weight 32,57 g., Condition XF.
Peter Joseph Triest (31 August 1760 – 24 June 1836) was a prelate of the Diocese of Ghent. He is known for his foundations of religious communities in this diocese, and has been called "the St. Vincent de Paul of Belgium". źródło: wikipedia.org
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1851-1853 from the prison in Charleroi (Maison d'Arret a Charleroi), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 47,74 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with luster.
The Netherlands, Medal 1929, commemorates the Radio-Telephone links joining Eindhoven and Kootwijk in the Netherlands with Bandung in Java, by. Dirk Wolbers, Kootwijk-Bandoeng "Radio Netherlands-India", Bronze 59 mm, weight 60,6 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful patina
Spanish Netherlands, Brussels. Jeton (Rekenpenning) 1671, Carolus II 1665-1700, Bureau des Finances, Dugn.4291, vOrden1323, Copper 29 mm, weight 5,64 g., Condition VF, traces of corrosion
Germany, Weimar Republic, Nuremberg 1921 Satirical Medal, Silver plated Brass 37,0 mm, weight 19,64 g., Condition XF+, damaged rim.
This satirical medal by Wittig Friesen, Deutscher Not und Schmach Taler / German Thaler of Misfortune and Disgrace is a real treat for all lovers of the Weimar Republic era.
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. A fancy medal made by casting and combining the obverse and reverse of two different medals, one is an 1804 medal commemorating the Code Napoleon, the other is a typical obverse of many medals with a portrait of the Emperor and an inscription: Napoleon Emp. et Roi., Bronze 40 mm, weight 42,54 g., Condition VF. A numismatic curiosity.
France. Medal 1931, International Colonial Exhibition, Paris, Oceania, by Mouroux, Bronze 31 mm, weight 20,0 g., Condition XF
The Paris Colonial Exhibition (or "Exposition coloniale internationale", International Colonial Exhibition) was a six-month colonial exhibition held in Paris, France, in 1931 that attempted to display the diverse cultures and immense resources of France's colonial possessions.
source: wikipedia.org
USA. Silver collectors medal, 5 Oz (5 Troy Ounces) Pure Silver, 155,5 g. .999, LIBERTY / Indian Head 1929, weight 155,5 g. .999, diam. 63 mm, Condition UNC, slightly toned
Germany, Attendorn (North Rhine-Westphalia). Medal 1922 commemorating the 700th anniversary of the town of Attendorn, Bronze 38 mm, weight 20,30 g., Condition VF+, dark patina
USA. Medallion 1965 Civil War Centennial 1961 - 1965, S. Grant and Robert E. Lee, Civil War Centennial Commission, by Joseph Emile Renier, TC# 555538, Bronze 63,5 mm, weight 136,3 g., Condition UNC, original cardboard box (signs of wear)
France, Paris. Medal 1849, Commissary Boichot Rattier, signed ETEX SCULP ROGAT GRAV, Bronze 32 mm, weight 12,50 g., Condition XF
Belgium, West Flanders. Medallion dedicated to the opening of the Knocke-Maldegem National Road 1936, white metal 30,00 mm, weight 11,65 g., Condition XF
Italy. Venice. St. Mark's Basilica medal, 1854 by Jacques Wiener.
Obv: On the obverse, the facade of the multi-domed Basilica of San Marco (1850-1876), above the entrance four horses, at the bottom in six lines the history of the basilica.
Rev: Interior perspective toward the altar under the great dome. Signed J. Wiener Bruxelles.
Van Hoydonck 65, Bronze 59,8 mm, weight 87.84 g., Condition XF, dark nice patina, small edge nicks
Sweden, Charles XIV John (1818 - 1844). Medal 1823 commemorating the wedding of Oscar I to Josephine of Leuchtenberg, Bronze 22 mm, weight 4,10 g., Condition VF, patina
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Bronze medal 1873-1875 commemorating the opening of the prison in Ypres (Maison d'Arret Cellulaire a Ypres), by G. Jehotte, Bronze 61,00 mm, weight 80,35 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina with luster.
Germany. Medal circa 1871, Otto von Bismarck, Duke of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890), Bronze 22 mm, weight 5,80 g., Condition XF, dark patina, similar specimen in the collection of the Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France.
Germany, Württemberg. Silver military medal (Für Tapferkeit und Treue / For bravery and loyalty), Wilhelm II 1891-1918, Ebner 43, Silver 28,5 mm, weight 12,15 g., Condition aUNC, perfectly preserved specimen with mirror on full surface
Belgium, Kingdom. Leopold I 1830-1865. Posthumous medal of Peter Joseph Trieste, 1836, bronze 40 mm, weight 32,57 g., Condition XF.
Peter Joseph Triest (31 August 1760 – 24 June 1836) was a prelate of the Diocese of Ghent. He is known for his foundations of religious communities in this diocese, and has been called "the St. Vincent de Paul of Belgium". źródło: wikipedia.org