Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaam Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 16,50 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Germany, Württemberg. Silver military medal (Für Tapferkeit und Treue / For bravery and loyalty), Wilhelm II 1891-1918, Ebner 43, Silver 28,5 mm, weight 12,15 g., Condition aUNC, perfectly preserved specimen with mirror on full surface
Belgium. King Albert I 1909 - 1934 Royal Veterans Federation Cross of Fidelity, (Croix de la Fidélité), Bronze 34 mm, weight 15,0 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon.
Created in 1971, it is awarded to sympathetic members of the Federation (cadets, sons of deceased veterans and holders of the Veterans Cross).
Belgium. Commemorative Medal for the Centenary of the Nation's Independence 1830-1930 (Médaille Commémorative du Centenaire de l'Indépendance Nationale 1830-1930 / Herinneringsmedaille van 100 Jaars de Onafhankelijkheid 1830-1930), instituted 1930, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 158, Silver plated Bronze 32 x 29 mm, weight 17,50 g., Condition VF, dark patina, ribbon
Great Britain, George VI (1936-1952). Special Constabulary LS GVI Medal, “For faithful service in the Special Constabulary”, Bronze 50 mm (without the handle 32 mm), weight 27,70 g., Condition aUNC
This medal was available to all members of the Special Constabulary. The qualifying period was 9 years of unpaid service with more than 50 duties per year. Wartime service counted as triple, so 3 years of service with more than 50 duties per year were eligible for the medal.
Belgium, Leopold III (1934-1951), Lokeren. Medal 1934 on the occasion of the Annual Fair, by J. Witterwulche, Silver plated Bronze 50 mm, weight 57,5 g., Condition aVF, cleaned, minor scratches
Belgium. Military decoration for long service (Decoration Militaire), I Class, instituted 1846, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 51, gilt Bronze 45 x 33 mm, weight 25,30 g., Condition XF, dark patina, ribbon
Finland. 1939-1940 Winter War Commemorative Medal for Foreigners Literature: Borna Barac Finland 41, Bronze 34 mm, weight 20,70 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium. Cross of the National Federation of Combatants of Belgium 1914-1918 (Croix de la Fédération Nationale des Combattants Belgique), gilt Bronze with blue, red, black and green enamel 57 x 38 mm, weight 17,20 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Great Britain, George VI (1936-1952). The Defence Medal 1939-1945, Cu-Ni 36 mm, weight 28,0 g., Condition VF+/aXF, missing mount and handle.
The Defence Medal is a campaign medal that was instituted by the United Kingdom in May 1945 and awarded to subjects of the British Commonwealth for both non-operational military and certain types of civilian service during the Second World War (source: identifymedals.com)
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaam Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 16,10 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgium, Albert I Koburg (1909 - 1934). War Cross 1915 (Croix de Guerre) World War I, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 130, Bronze 35 mm, weight 23,60 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium. Labor Valorem Medal 1914 - 1918 & 1940 -1945, National Federation of Former Prisoners of War, Bronze 37 mm, weight 30,10 g., Condition UNC
Germany, Federal Republic. Bundeswehr. Miniature of the Paratrooper Badge, ca. 1955-1960, silver plated brass 14 x 17 mm, pin length 52 mm, in good condition
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Gold Medal of the Order of Leopold II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 230, gilt Bronze 40 mm, weight 30,80 g., Condition UNC, ribbon, original box
Great Britain, George V (1910-1936). British War Medal 1914-1918, established 1919, Engraver: Edgar Bertram MacKennal, Designer: William McMillan, Literature: Borna Barac Great Britain 159, Silver 36 mm, weight 34,40 g., Condition aUNC, Beautiful dark patina, ribbon
Belgium, West Flanders. Medallion dedicated to the opening of the Knocke-Maldegem National Road 1936, white metal 30,00 mm, weight 11,65 g., Condition XF
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaam Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 16,50 g., Condition UNC, ribbon