Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 19,90 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon, oryginal box
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium, Albert I Koburg (1909 - 1934). King Albert I Royal Veterans Federation Recognition Cross, 1909 - 1934, (Croix de Reconnaissance), Bronze 35 mm, weight 17,60 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium. K.B.D.B. recognition medal (Royal Belgian Federation of Homing Pigeons|) to Mr. Alfa van Uytvanck, Silver 27 mm, weight 13,50 g., Condition XF+, ribbon
Belgium. Cross for the Deportees 1914-1918 (Croix des Deportes 1914-1918), established in 1922, Literature: Borna Barac Belgia 153, Bronze 34.50 mm, weight 10,0 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Belgium. Set of three medals on the bar for World War II 1940 - 1945
- Cross of the Royal Federation of Veterans of King Leopold III, gilt Bronze, enamel, Condition aUNC, ribbon
- Cross of the Royal Federation of Veterans of King Albert I, 1909-1934, gilt Bronze, Condition aUNC, ribbon
- Commemorative medal of the 1940-1945 war, with swords on the ribbon denoting combat service in the 1940 campaign or service in the armed resistance, Bronze 38 mm, Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium, Albert I Coburg (1909 - 1934). Commemorative Medal for the War 1914-1918, (Médaille Commémorative de la Guerre 1914-1918 / Oorlogsherinnerinsmedaille 1914-1918), Literature: BORNA Barac Belgium 147, Bronze 47 x 31 mm, weight 27,40 g., Condition aXF, ribbon
War medal established on July 21, 1919 by royal decree and awarded to all members of the Belgian Armed Forces who served during World War I and qualified for the Inter-Allied Victory Medal
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaam Zedelijkheid", Class II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 16,10 g., Condition UNC, ribbon
Spain, Isabel II (1833-1868). Medal of the African Campaign 1860, decoration created to recognize soldiers of the army and navy who took part in hostilities, Silver-plated metal 35 mm, weight 24,20 g., Condition VF, missing crown and mounting
Germany, Federal Republic. Gold miniature VW (Volkswagen) company stamp on a pin to be clipped into the flap, Gold, diameter 6 mm, weight 0,45 g., pin length 41 mm, in original box, box in good condition
France, Republic. Set of medals 4 pieces, various metals
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Habilete Moralite Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", I Class, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, type IV, gilt Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 21,60 g., Condition UNC, ribbon, original box
Belgium, Schaerbeek. Commemorative medal of the 15th anniversary of the F.N.I. 1931-1946, gilt Bronze 26 mm, weight 5,10 g., Condition aUNC
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Silver Medal of the Order of Leopold II, L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 231, silver plated Bronze 35 mm, weight 24,60 g., Condition XF+, ribbon, nice patina, early emission
Belgium, Leopold II (1865 - 1909). Gold Medal of the Order of Leopold II, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 230, gilt Bronze 40 mm, weight 30,80 g., Condition UNC, ribbon, original box
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Medal 1880, 50th Anniversary of Independence, Mons School Festival, Bronze 30 mm, weight 9,2 g., Condition UNC
Belgium, Albert I Coburg (1909 - 1934). Fire Cross, (Croix de Feu/ Vuurkruis) 1914-1918, Literature: Borna Barac Belgia 161, by A. Rombaut Bronze 47 x 42 mm, weight 45.50 g., Condition XF+, ribbon
The cross was instituted on February 6, 1934, and was awarded to then living soldiers holding a “Fire Card” (Croix du Feu / Vuurkaart) who came under fire at the front, awarded to all who spent at least 32 months at the front during World War I.
Great Britain, George VI (1936-1952). Special Constabulary LS GVI Medal, “For faithful service in the Special Constabulary”, Bronze 50 mm (without the handle 32 mm), weight 27,70 g., Condition aUNC
This medal was available to all members of the Special Constabulary. The qualifying period was 9 years of unpaid service with more than 50 duties per year. Wartime service counted as triple, so 3 years of service with more than 50 duties per year were eligible for the medal.
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Badge 1905 for industrial achievement "Bekwaamheid Zedelijkheid", Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 70, Silver, enamel 55 x 28 mm, weight 19,90 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon, oryginal box