(There are 16 other products in the same category)
France, Louis XVIII (1814-1824). Octagonal Silver Jeton / Token 1806 (minted 1815), Compagnie des salines, Bramsen 521, Julius 1563, Silver 30,9 mm, weight 16,09 g., Condition aVF, patina, minor surface damage
France - Provincial. Lorraine (Duché), Leopold I 1690-1729. AR Teston 1712, KM 95, silver 28 mm, weight 8,53 g. Condition NGC MS 63, A beautiful coin in uncirculated condition
France. Medal 1842 commemorating the death of the Duke of Orléans, Chapelle Ferdinand (Mort du Duc d'Orléans, Chapelle Ferdinand), Brass 25 mm, weight 6,50 g., Condition XF+, patina
France, Louis Philippe I (1830-1848). Medal 1842, Tribute to the Duke of Orléans, who died on July 13, 1842, by Jacques-Jean Barre, Copper 27 mm, weight 9,20 g., Condition aUNC, small edge nicks, beautiful brown patina with shine
France Centime 1875 A, KM 826.1, Bronze 15 mm, Condition UNC
France, Napoléon III (1852-1870). Medal 1856 commemorating the baptism of Prince Imperial Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, Brass 23 mm, weight 5,0 g., Condition aXF
Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte, Imperial Prince, known as Louis-Napoléon, born March 16, 1856 in Paris and died June 1, 1879 in Zulu country (South Africa), was the only son of Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, and his wife, Empress Eugenie. He is sometimes referred to as “Napoleon IV.”
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the capture of Vienna, 1805, by Bertrand Andrieu and Andre Galle, minted at the Paris Mint, Bramsen 443, bronze 40 mm, weight 37,04 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful lustrous brown patina.
A beautiful commemorative medal from the Napoleonic Wars immortalizing the capture of Vienna on November 13, 1805, which preceded the famous Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, less commonly known as the Battle of Brno - one of the most important battles of the Napoleonic Wars and the decisive battle of the war against the Third Anti-French Coalition, fought on December 2, 1805 and victorious for Napoleon. A true gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the French Emperor.
France. Medal for carrier pigeons, Ministry of War, 1870, Bronze 68 mm, weight 140,07 g., Condition aUNC, large, impressive medal
France. One-sided medal without date, Louis XIV, Silver-plated Bronze 27 mm, weight 8,30 g., Condition VF, signed, soldered ear
France, Henry V. Medal 1870, “DIEU LE VEUT. LA FRANCE LE VOUDRA”, Heureuse France, si jamais il est roi - Happy France, if ever he be king, Bronze 22 mm, weight 4,40 g., Condition aUNC,
Similar piece in the collection of Musée Carnavalet, Histoire de Paris
France 2 Centimes 1898, KM 841, Bronze 20,2 mm, Condition UNC, scarce date
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napoleon's presence in Osterode, 1807, by Andrieu, Denon, Bramsen 631, Julius 1735, Zeitz 82, Bronze 40 mm, weight 38,43 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with luster. A medal that is sure to catch the attention of any collector of Napoleonic medals.
France - Provincial, Lorraine (Duché). Leopold I 1690-1729. AR Teston 1711 (1706), KM 95, silver 30 mm, weight 8,28 g. Condition NGC MS 62, overstruck on Testone 1706
France. Bronze medal 1833 "Restoration of Napoleon" for the Vendome column, Domard, by Domard, Julius-3894, Bronze 24 mm, weight 7,25 g., Condition XF, nice brown patina with shine
France 10 Centimes 1945 B, KM 906.2, Zinc 17 mm, Condition UNC