(There are 16 other products in the same category)
France - Provincial. Lorraine (Duché), Leopold I 1690-1729. AR Teston 1710, KM 95, silver 30 mm, weight 8,30 g. Condition NGC MS 61, A beautiful coin in uncirculated condition, overstruck on an earlier issue
France. Medal 1849, Barbès and Raspail (Armand Barbès (1809-1870) and François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), Democratic and Social Republic, Gilt Bronze 22 mm, weight 4,80 g., Condition aUNC
France, Louis XIV le Roi Soleil (The Sun King), 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos, commemorating the meeting of Kings Louis XIV and Philip IV on the Isle of Pheasants at June 7 1660. The monarchs then signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees ending the Thirty Years' War, during this meeting, the marriage of Louis XIV to Philip IV's daughter , Marie-Thérèse of Austria, was also recorded, by J. Mauger, Bronze 40 mm, weight 39,10 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina with luster.
France, Third Republic. Medal 1895, Union Chamber of Workers for completing the Solfège and Declamation courses for Mr. Handwerk, bronze 51 mm, weight 60 g., state of preservation 2, nice bronze patina
France, Burgundy, Louis Delphinus (future Louis XV). Token 1713, War of the Spanish Succession 1700-1714/15, Neumann I, 3484, Feuard. 9831, Copper 30 mm, weight 8,40 g., Condition VF, edge nicks
France. Medal for carrier pigeons, Ministry of War, 1870, Bronze 68 mm, weight 140,07 g., Condition aUNC, large, impressive medal
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the annexation of Simplon, 1807, Andrieu, Bramsen 688, Bronze 40 mm, weight 38,32 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster.
"By a decree of the 12th November, Napoleon united to the French Empire, the territory of the Valais, under the name of the department of Simplon, a name derived from one of the mountains of the Alps, situate on the side of Great St. Bernard, Mont Blanc is on the other: these three great mountain masses are all recorded by the medals of Napoleon.- (See Nos. 12 and 34.) The pretexts for this annexation were, that the Simplon, connecting France and Italy, had cost both treasuries eighteen millions of livres; that the Valais had not adhered to its engagements; and that it was necessary to put an end to the struggles for power among the population." Laskey p. 153-154 (source:...
France. Medal 1931, International Colonial Exhibition, Paris, Oceania, by Mouroux, Bronze 31 mm, weight 20,0 g., Condition XF
The Paris Colonial Exhibition (or "Exposition coloniale internationale", International Colonial Exhibition) was a six-month colonial exhibition held in Paris, France, in 1931 that attempted to display the diverse cultures and immense resources of France's colonial possessions.
source: wikipedia.org
France / Great Britain. Medal 1855 commemorating the visit of Victoria and Albert to Paris, by Auguste-François Michaut (1786-1879), Gilt Brass 23 mm, weight 4,30 g., Condition UNC
France. Gold Franc a pied ND, Charles V 1364-1380, Dupl. 360, C. 457, Fr. 284, Gold 28 mm, weight 3,71 g., Condition VF+/XF, attractive specimen
France, Third Republic 1871-1940. 5 Francs 1873 A, Paris, Hercules, KM 820.1, Silver 37 mm, weight 25,0 g. .900, Condition aUNC, nice patina, slight rubbing of the background, beautiful glossy specimen
France. Set of four medals National Exhibition (1) and Bastille Day (3):
- Medal Souvenir 1900, National Exhibition, Bronze 18 mm, weight 2,20 g., Condition aUNC
- Medal 1880 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 12 mm, weight 0,70 g., Condition XF
- Medal 1880 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 13 mm, weight 1,20 g., Condition VF
- Souvenir medal 1883 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 18 mm, weight 1,60 g., Condition VF, missing ear piece
France, Paris. Commemorative medal 1935 from a visit to the Paris Mint building (La Monnaie de Paris), by ROËTTIERS Charles Norbert (1720-1772), Bronze 32 mm, weight 14,70 g., Condition XF
France. Medal 1870, Siege of Metz, Marshal Bazaine (1811-1888), commander of the Metz garrison, October 26, 1870, Bronze 22 mm, weight 5,90 g., Condition XF, similar specimen in the collection of the Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napoleon's reception aboard the Bellerophon, 1815, Webb & Brenet, Denon, Bramsen 1691, Julius 3431, Bronze 40 mm, weight 37,56 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with lustre, green tarnish on the reverse in places, minor edge nicks.