France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napolepon's victories over the Third Anti-French Coalition, 1805
  • France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napolepon's victories over the Third Anti-French Coalition, 1805
  • France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napolepon's victories over the Third Anti-French Coalition, 1805

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napolepon's victories over the Third Anti-French Coalition, 1805

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal, celebration of the Galerie d'Apollon at the Musée Napoléon (Louvre), 1804
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal, celebration of the Galerie d'Apollon at the Musée Napoléon (Louvre), 1804
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the start of construction of the Arc de Triomphe, 1806
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the start of construction of the Arc de Triomphe, 1806
KOD: 4609001RMA

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating Napolepon's victories over the Third Anti-French Coalition in 1805, the crossing of the Rhine at Kehl, French victories in that year and the eight captured Austrian flags that Napoleon donated to the city of Paris, 1805, unsigned, Bramsen 462, Julius 1479, Bronze 50 mm, weight 60,86 g., Condition XF+/aUNC, beautiful rainbow patina with luster. A very rare, beautiful medal, unique in numismatic stores and auctions.


On the medal is written:
Napoleon passe le Rhin a Kell, le 9 Vendemiaire an14, pour aller combattre les Autrichiens et les Russes, il fut partout vainqueur: et le 11 Frimaire suivant, la victoire d'Austerlitz forca les empereurs d'Allemagne et de Russie a demander la paix. (Napoleon crossed the Rhine at Kell, 9 Vendemiaire 14, to fight the Austrians and Russians, he was victorious everywhere: and 11 Frimaire following, the victory at Austerlitz forced the emperors of Germany and Russia to ask for peace). DECEMBER XXX MDCCCV (1805), Inauguration of eight flags donated by S.M. Napoleon to the Tribunate.

XXX DECEMBRE MDCCCV (30 December 1805), Inauguration des huit drapeaux donnes par S.M. Napoleon au Tribunat. (XXX GRUDNIA MDCCCV (1805), Inauguracja ośmiu chorągwi podarowanych przez S.M. Napoleona dla Tribunatu. (DECEMBER XXX MDCCCV (1805), Inauguration of eight flags donated by S.M. Napoleon to the Tribunate).

The Third Anti-French Coalition - a union of European states against the First French Empire. The coalition was formed on August 9, 1805, and dissolved in December of that year. The British fleet was becoming more powerful, so Napoleon formed an alliance with Spain. However, in October 1805, the naval battle of Trafalgar was fought, ending with the defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleet, which dashed French hopes for sea dominion and the invasion of the British Isles. The situation on the Continent was different. By 1805 Napoleon had annexed the Kingdom of Piedmont (Turin) and the Ligurian Republic (Genoa), and transformed the Italian Republic into the Kingdom of Italy, appointing himself its king. In doing so, he violated the historically formed system of the Holy Roman Empire, ruled by emperors from the Habsburg dynasty. All these actions by Napoleon resulted in the formation of another, the third anti-French coalition, consisting of: Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Sweden and the Kingdom of Naples. The new war began in September 1805 with Austria's attack on the Duchy of Bavaria, allied with France. Then Napoleon moved with his army into Germany, beat the Austrians at Ulm, seized Vienna, then entered Moravia. On December 2, the French crushed the combined Austro-Russian forces at Austerlitz. Austria then withdrew from the coalition and concluded the Peace of Prešburg with France on December 26, 1805, while Czar Alexander I withdrew the remnants of his intervention corps to Russia. source: wikipedia

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