Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 10 Centimes 1862, DES BELGES, KM 22, Cu-Ni 21,4 mm, weight 4,5 g., Condition UNC, slightly toned
(There are 16 other products in the same category)
Belgium. WW2 Air Defense Medal - "Servimus 1939 - 1945", Silver-plated Bronze 38 x 35 mm, weight 29,90 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium. Commemorative bronze jeton / token "World Expo in Antwerp" 1885, by Léopold Wiener, Bronze 30,00 mm, weight 10,14 g., Condition XF+, brown patina with luster.
Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - German occupation. 50 Centimes 1915, KM Tn1, Brass Plated Iron 16 mm, weight 2,07 g., Condition VF+
Belgium, St Niklaas. Plaquette 1946, dedicated to Mr. De Malsche Jan-Frans by the City Council of Sint Niklaas to commemorate his first election as a councilman on June 14, 1921, Bronze 77 x 62 mm, weight 151,60 g., signed on the edge J. FONSON, Condition UNC
Belgium, Albert I (1909-1934). 50 Centimes 1930, BELGIQUE, KM 87, Nickel 18 mm, weight 2,4 g., Condition VF+
Belgium. WW I Yser Medal 1914, (Médaille de l'Yser / Medaille van de IJzer), Belgian military medal awarded for participation in World War I, instituted on October 18, 1918 for participation in the Battle of the IJzer (Yser) River from October 16-31, 1914, in which the Belgian army stopped the German invasion, by Emile Vloors, Bronze, enamel 48 x 36 mm, weight 30,30 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium. L'EFFORT award medal of the Belgian Society of Engineers and Industrialists, 1930, commemoration of the centenary of the independence of Belgium, 1830 - 1930, by Josue Dupon, bronze 50,00 mm, weight 47,10 g., Condition VF+, nice brown patina, scratches in the background
Belgium. Medal for Philanthropy S. R. M. D., Silver-plated Bronze, enamel 47 mm, weight 16,60 g., Condition aUNC, ribbon
Belgium. Medal 1976, Baudouin, Roi des Belges, Silver 38 mm, weight 20,0 g. .925, Condition Proof, minor surface scratches
Belgium, Brussels (Bruxelles). Octagonal Token (Jetton), 50 Centimes, Restaurant du Vieux, Iron 22 mm, weight 2,84 g., Condition VF, patina
Belgium. Military decoration for long service (Decoration Militaire), I Class, instituted 1846, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 51, gilt Bronze 45 x 33 mm, weight 25,30 g., Condition XF, dark patina, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold III (1934-1951). 10 Centimes 1939, BELGIE - BELGIQUE, KM 113.1, Cu-Ni-Zn 22 mm, weight 4 g., Condition XF
Belgium, Schaerbeek. Commemorative medal of the 15th anniversary of the F.N.I. 1931-1946, gilt Bronze 26 mm, weight 5,10 g., Condition aUNC
Belgium, Albert I (1909-1934). 5 Centimes 1930, BELGIE, KM 67, Cu-Ni 19 mm, weight 2,5 g., Condition VF, scarce date
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). 10 Centimes 1902, BELGIE, KM 49, Cu-Ni 22 mm, weight 4,0 g., Condition UNC, nice toned
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Independence Medal 1831 opus Veyrat, Bronze 40,9 mm, weight 33,18 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful mint specimen
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). 10 Centimes 1862, DES BELGES, KM 22, Cu-Ni 21,4 mm, weight 4,5 g., Condition UNC, slightly toned