Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1853-1856 from the Courtrai prison (Maison d'Arret a Courtrai), by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 55,83 g., Condition XF/XF+, stain on obverse, dark brown patina with luster.
Belgium. Victory Medal World War I (Victory Medal 1919), by Paul Dubuis, Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 145, Bronze 36 mm, weight 24,60 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium, Brussels. High-relief 1930, MUNDANEUM plaquette, by Robert Van De Velde (1895-1978), Bronze 75 x 105 mm, weight 330,50 g., signed on the edge J. FONSON, Condition aUNC, very artfully executed and impressive plaquette
Belgium, Leopold II (1865-1909). Order of Leopold II (Ordre de Leopold II), instituted 1908, "Union Fait La Force", Literature: Borna Barac Belgium 228, (Silver?) 40 mm, weight 23,80 g., Condition XF, ribbon
Belgium, Leopold I (1831-1865). Bronze medal 1847-1850 commemorating the opening of the Maison de Sureté pour Femmes in Brussels, by J. Wiener, Bronze 50,00 mm, weight 51,96 g., Condition XF, dark brown patina with luster, local discoloration.
Belgium, Albert I of Belgium (1909-1934). Medal / Pendant PAX AANONZEHELDEN (To Our Heroes), by G. TUERLINCKX, Bronze 32 x 20 mm, weight 9,70 g., Condition XF, patina, slightly cleaned
Belgium, Schaerbeek. Uniface City Hall Award Plaquette c.1930, C. Van Dionant (1863-1934), Bronze 48 x 82 mm, weight 115,2 g., Condition UNC, nice patina
Belgium. Medal / pendant 1917, “La Fleur des Enfants de Nos Braves - Oeuvre de l'Habillement des Orphelins de nos Soldats et des Enfants des Mutilés” - dedicated to the children and orphans of World War I, by Pierre Theunis, Bronze 30 x 20 mm, weight 7,20 g., Condition VF+