(There are 16 other products in the same category)
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Medal commemorating the Battle of Raab, 1809, Andrieu & Dubois, Denon, Bramsen 854, Bronze 40 mm, weight 34,78 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster.
France. Set of four medals National Exhibition (1) and Bastille Day (3):
- Medal Souvenir 1900, National Exhibition, Bronze 18 mm, weight 2,20 g., Condition aUNC
- Medal 1880 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 12 mm, weight 0,70 g., Condition XF
- Medal 1880 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 13 mm, weight 1,20 g., Condition VF
- Souvenir medal 1883 commemorating 14.07.1789 Bastille Day - National Holiday, Bronze 18 mm, weight 1,60 g., Condition VF, missing ear piece
France, Henry V. Medal 1870, “DIEU LE VEUT. LA FRANCE LE VOUDRA”, Heureuse France, si jamais il est roi - Happy France, if ever he be king, Bronze 22 mm, weight 4,40 g., Condition aUNC,
Similar piece in the collection of Musée Carnavalet, Histoire de Paris
France 2 Centimes 1884 A, KM 827.1, Bronze 20,2 mm, Condition aUNC, patina
France, Napoleon III 1852-1870. medal commemorating the gift of a cradle to the emperor's son by the city of Paris, 1856, Bronze 77 mm, weight 211,72 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful bronze patina with luster. A magnificent, very artistic and impressive medal.
Obv: In a field dotted with bees, the imperial cradle on a pedestal with the coat of arms of Paris, inscription in circle: LA VILLE DE PARIS OFFRE A L'EMPEREVR ET A L'IMPERATRICE LE BERCEAV DV PRINCE IMPERIAL
Rev: Imperial eagle supports a newborn sleeping on a pillow, watched over by the crowning Prosperity and Abundance; signatures J. CAVELIER SCULPTEUR - VAUTHIER GALLE GRAVEUR, inscription in circle: PACATVMQVE REGET PATRIIS VIRTVTIBVS ORBEM
France, Maria de Medici 1573-1642. Coronation copper medal (jeton) 1610 AD, Copper 24 mm, weight 4,48 g., Condition VF, nice patina
France, Louis XIV le Roi Soleil (The Sun King), 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos, commemorating the meeting of Kings Louis XIV and Philip IV on the Isle of Pheasants at June 7 1660. The monarchs then signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees ending the Thirty Years' War, during this meeting, the marriage of Louis XIV to Philip IV's daughter , Marie-Thérèse of Austria, was also recorded, by J. Mauger, Bronze 40 mm, weight 39,10 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina with luster.
France 50 Centimes 1873 A, KM 834.1, Silver 18 mm, weight 2,5 g. .835, Condition VF+, nice patina, scarce date
France 10 Centimes 1918, KM 866a, Cu-Ni 21,3 mm, Condition aUNC
France Louis D'or 1732/1 C, Caoen mint, KM 489.3, Gaduary 340 R2, Gold 24 mm, Weight 8.15 g. .917, Condition NGC UNC Details, obvers scratched, rare overdate
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, as first consul, Br medal commemorating the laying of the foundation stone of the Colonne Vendôme, 1800, by Benjamin Duvivier, minted at the Paris Mint, Bramsen 61, Bronze 42 mm, weight 37,75 g., Condition XF+, small edge nick, beautiful brown lustrous patina.
A beautiful commemorative medal, a true gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French. Commemorating the laying iof the first stone of the national column by Lucien Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother) on 14 July 1800.
France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Prize medal of the Athénée du Vaucluse established at Avignon, 1811, by Andrieu, Bramsen 1144, Julius 2490, Essling 2366, Bronze 42 mm, weight 31,60 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina.
France 50 Centimes 1909, KM 854, Silver 18,1 mm, weight 2,5 g. .835, Condition UNC
France. Silver jeton / token of the Conseil de la Clémentine Amitié, Masonic medal for outstanding achievement and merit, 1834, Labouret 166 var, Silver 26 mm, weight 7,04 g., Condition aUNC, single minor scratches and edge nicks, beautiful patina, mint glossy piece.
France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the start of the construction of the Arc de Triomphe, 1806, by Andrieu and Brenet, Bramsen 557, Bronze 40 mm, weight 38,60 g., Condition aUNC, nice brown patina with luster. A real gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French.
France. Medal 1849, Barbès and Raspail (Armand Barbès (1809-1870) and François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), Democratic and Social Republic, Gilt Bronze 22 mm, weight 4,80 g., Condition aUNC
France 50 Centimes 1907, KM 854, Silver 18,1 mm, weight 2,5 g. .835, Condition aUNC/UNC