
There are 287 products.

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Africa. Egypt Missionary Society, Copper Medal 1856

Kod: 4007131R

Africa. Egypt Missionary Society, Copper Medal 1856, Obv: the Flight into Egypt, Rev Angel, in starred quadrilobe, holds shield inscribed MITTAM EX EIS IN AFRICAM
Cooper 40 mm, weight 32,10 g., Condition XF+, nice patina

France / Poland, Henry III Valois and Louise de Lorraine. Silver medal without date (ca. 1579)

Kod: 4623115RMA

France / Poland, Henry III Valois and Louise de Lorraine. Silver medal without date (ca. 1579), by Germain Pillon, Silver 43 mm, weight 37.28 g., Condition XF, dark patina, later strike 19th cen.?, semicircular - unmachined edge indicates that it may be 18th century

Obv: Bust of the king to the right,  HENRICVS•III•D•G•FRANCORVM•ET•POL•REX / Rev: Bust to left of queen, •LODOICA•LOTARAENA•REGINA•FRANC

France, Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos

France, Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos

Kod: 4609038RMA

France, Louis XIV le Roi Soleil (The Sun King), 1643-1715. Bronze medal 1660, Pax Ad Pirenaeos, commemorating the meeting of Kings Louis XIV and Philip IV on the Isle of Pheasants at June 7 1660. The monarchs then signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees ending the Thirty Years' War, during this meeting, the marriage of Louis XIV to Philip IV's daughter , Marie-Thérèse of Austria, was also recorded, by J. Mauger, Bronze 40 mm, weight 39,10 g., Condition XF+, nice brown patina with luster.

France, Louis XIV The Sun King. Medal 1681 commemorating the purchase of the Casale fortress from the Duke of Manuta

France, Louis XIV The Sun King. Medal 1681 commemorating the purchase of the Casale fortress from the Duke of Manuta

Kod: 4623110RMA

France, Louis XIV The Sun King. Medal 1681 commemorating the purchase of the Casale fortress from the Duke of Manuta., obverse: head of Louis XIV in profile to the right, reverse: a Dauphin receiving a shield with outline of Casale and eagle insignia of an allegory and legionary respectively, catalog references: Divo-187, silver plated Bronze? (Tin?) 41 mm, weight 37,69 g., Condition aXF

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the Battle of Millesimo, 1796

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the Battle of Millesimo, 1796

Kod: 4605223RMA

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, medal commemorating the Battle of Millesimo, 1796, Hennin 732, Bronze 43 mm, weight 37,75 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful bronze patina with luster.

A beautiful commemorative medal, a real gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the French Emperor, who in 1796-1797 achieved military successes in Italy, defeated the Austrians and the Sardinians and imposed peace on them at Campo Formio in 1797.

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the laying of the foundation stone for the Colonne Vendôme, 1800

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Br medal commemorating the laying of the foundation stone for the Colonne Vendôme, 1800

Kod: 4605219RMA

France. Napoleon I Bonaparte, as first consul, Br medal commemorating the laying of the foundation stone of the Colonne Vendôme, 1800, by Benjamin Duvivier, minted at the Paris Mint, Bramsen 61, Bronze 42 mm, weight 37,75 g., Condition XF+, small edge nick, beautiful brown lustrous patina.

A beautiful commemorative medal, a true gem in the collection of any enthusiast of the Emperor of the French. Commemorating the laying iof the first stone of the national column by Lucien Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother) on 14 July 1800.

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the transfer of Turenne's remains to the Invalides, 1800

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the transfer of Turenne's remains to the Invalides, 1800

Kod: 4607205RMA

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal commemorating the transfer of the body of Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne from Saint Denis Cathedral to the Invalides, 22 September 1800, Auguste, Bramsen 71, Julius 848, Essling 858, Bronze 50 mm, weight 64,40 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster, small edge damage

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze Medal, Location of the first stone for the bridge on the Durance, 1803

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze Medal, Location of the first stone for the bridge on the Durance, 1803

Kod: 4609015RMA

France, Napoleon I Bonaparte. Bronze medal, Location of the first stone for the bridge on the Durance, 1803, by Andrieu, Obverse : Head of Napoleon facing right. Reverse : Minerva pointing to a female (The Durance) close to the bridge Bramsen 277, Julius 1178, Schwering 945, Evrard de Fayolle 40, Bronze 42 mm, weight 35,71 g., Condition aUNC, beautiful brown patina with luster. A medal that is sure to catch the attention of any collector of Napoleonic medals.